I understand that I am responsible for all costs associated with my enrollment and that failure to make payment by each due date, accessible through
My.GeorgeFox.edu and through my GFU email will result in:
● A late payment fee up to 1.5% calculated on the past due balance (up to 18% APR)
● Classes I am currently attending and future enrolled classes may be administratively dropped or withdrawn
● Payment restrictions, and prepayment prior to registration may be required
● To the extent or degree that is allowed by law, enrollment and transcript holds
I understand and agree that payment to the university must be in USD (US Dollars) and that payment is "received" by the university once sufficient time (generally one week if online ACH and two weeks if by paper check) has elapsed to allow payment to "clear" the bank. I further understand that regardless of why, a return payment fee up to $35 per transaction will be charged for rejected payments.
I further agree that acceptance of these terms and registration constitute a Promissory Note (Note) unto George Fox University (GFU) and any monies owed become a “Student Loan” (i.e., a financial obligation in the form of an educational loan as defined by the U.S. Bankruptcy Code at 11 U.S.C §523(a)(8)) in which "GFU" is providing me with educational services.
I also understand that my account may be reported to a national credit bureau and if my account must be submitted to a collection agency, I am responsible for all costs incurred including attorney and collection fees which could increase my debt by up to 40%.
Furthermore, if "GFU" or their agents' efforts to reach me, I authorize the use of any and all of my contact information recorded by the university in my.georgefox.edu and I further authorize use of text messaging, personal calls, emails and should it become necessary, automated telephone dialing equipment and artificial or pre-recorded voice messages. I also understand that I may withdraw my consent to use my cellular phone by submitting a request in writing to the Director of Student Accounts or to the agent contacting me on behalf of "GFU".